✨ The FLOW FORWARD Experience ✨

About Us!


by Ari Stewart LLC

We recognize that everyone is built differently—with unique strengths, Zones of Genius, and gifts. Our mission is to harness these diverse talents to serve your vision and help you thrive. This page is where you can learn more about us and our unique contributions to your mission.

Our Story

Founded by Ari Stewart, FLOW FORWARD was born out of a passion for optimizing business strategies and unlocking prosperity, especially for entrepreneurs that are on this beautiful earth to follow their souls purpose and spread their unique message to make cosmic waves throughout the universe.

Ari’s personal journey with disability has honed her expertise in creating efficient, sustainable business practices that honor the cycles of our energy, maximize our joy and flow states, and leverage our unique gifts so we work smarter not harder. 

Meet Ari Stewart.

As the visionary and facilitator behind FLOW FORWARD, Ari Stewart brings her unparalleled insight and innovative approach to every aspect of our services. Her natural ability to read people and situations allows her to design systems that foster ease and efficiency in both business and soul.

  • Enneagram: Type 5 / The Intellect
  • Human Design: Projector / The Seer
  • DISC: S/I - Steadiness & Influence
  • Kolbe Score: (9-7-2-2) High Fact Finder & High Follow Through

Ari's dedication to authenticity and self-acceptance is the foundation of our brand, ensuring that every client receives radical, impactful support.

Being an Entrepreneur with a Disability Continuously Makes Ari an Expert at Business Efficiency. 


As a natural problem solver, being presented with the challenges that come with a disability and chronic genetic condition prompts Ari to improve strategies and systems every single day.

At the heart of everything we do (whether it's in our work leveling up small to mid-sized heart-based businesses or in organizing The Embrace Summit to support other individuals with disabilities) is the core value of honoring your true self.

We believe that authenticity and self-acceptance are essential in both business and everyday life and making an impact.

Ari's mission is to create spaces and opportunities where individuals can embrace their true selves, find strength in vulnerability, and thrive on their own terms as an embodied entrepreneur.

Emily Muccianti

Ari has been incredibly helpful as I reevaluate the direction of my business. I now have a greater sense of direction in how to achieve my goals and serve my clients. I was so impressed at the way she was able to help me dig into my purpose, vision, and pain points. Ari was able to show me the importance of setting a strong foundation before launching into new areas. Each of our meetings had a clear purpose and maximized our time together. I am hopeful that I can now take my business to new heights thanks to Ari's support!

See More Testimonials
Flow Forward is Ari's curated experience where we align business success with deep somatic and soul work. 


1. Holistic Wellness

We believe in the integration of mind, body, and spirit for overall well-being and success.

  • Mind-Body Connection: We emphasize the importance of practices that nourish both the mind and body, such as yoga, meditation, and mindful movement.
  • Self-Care: Prioritizing self-care and well-being is at the heart of our approach, ensuring that we show up as our best selves in all areas of life.
  • Balance: We strive for a balanced approach to work and life, recognizing that true success includes health and happiness.
2. Meditation and Mindfulness

Mindfulness and meditation are cornerstones of our journey towards inner peace and clarity.

  • Present Moment Awareness: We cultivate awareness and presence in everything we do, fostering a deep connection to the here and now.
  • Inner Peace: Through meditation and mindfulness practices, we aim to create a calm and centered state of being, essential for making aligned decisions.
  • Reflection: Regular reflection and introspection are encouraged, helping us stay aligned with our values and purpose.
3. Spiritual and Esoteric Alignment

Ari's work is deeply rooted in spiritual and esoteric wisdom, guiding us towards higher consciousness and purpose.

  • Intuition: We trust and honor our inner guidance, using it as a compass for our personal and professional lives.
  • Energy Work: Practices like Reiki, chakra balancing, and energy healing are integral to our approach, helping us maintain energetic alignment.
  • Sacred Rituals: We incorporate sacred rituals and ceremonies into our routine, honoring our spiritual journey and deepening our connection to the divine.
4. Creativity and Authentic Expression

We celebrate creativity and authenticity, encouraging each individual to express their unique gifts.

  • Innovation: We foster a culture of innovation and creative thinking, where new ideas are welcomed and explored.
  • Authenticity: Authentic expression is at the core of our community, empowering everyone to be their true selves.
  • Art and Creation: Whether through art, writing, music, or other forms of creative expression, we believe in the power of creativity to transform and inspire.
5. Community and Connection

Building a supportive and nurturing community is essential to our mission.

  • Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration and mutual support, creating a network of like-minded individuals.
  • Empathy: Compassion and empathy are key to our interactions, fostering a safe and inclusive space for everyone.
  • Service: Serving others and giving back to our community is a fundamental aspect of our values, enhancing collective growth and well-being.


Join Us In The FLOW FORWARD Experience